Wednesday, July 28, 2010

How Many Calories Did I Eat Today

Another issue

This year is my mother Ingrid Hake back from a small selection of their works in Hofcafé Sickenberg . She then they also have a course "Watercolor Painting" for those who want to discover the artist and the artist himself.
details and to register, you will find here.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Black Nfl Players And White Woman

The dynamic duo: "The aim and time"

As you pursue your goals every day and effectively reach
Many people today think about it all over again as more active and achieve their goals set, especially without a "disease-causing stress" it. Studies show that people lose serious concerns (financial, partnership, work) up to 5 years to life. Dealing with objectives, time, people and projects has now become a challenge that not everyone can win on its own. Because we live in time networking with many other people who in turn pursue their own goals and their own planning. Then there are the constant changes in politics and society that force us to rethink and re-planning.

our own time can still make (some) individual. But our comprehensive list out of intensive demands on us to Clock, compass, design communication, intuition and interaction with others as effectively as possible.

The frequently heard argument first or "I have no time", especially in recent years to a "socially acceptable White lie "has become. Usually he is "knee-jerk" formulated. It raises the question of why we dedicate certain people and not having so much time and attention.

Let the timeline for pure waste?

Or is it not only fits into our current plans?

so out many a time we pushed through conversations and activities, however, in additional stress, because to be met (often at a later date and in a shorter time) and more tasks. We usually ask the same of even other one, also is not really fair and not particularly well received by our fellow human beings.

"you give yourself and your colleagues

Although clearly defined tasks

but less time for optimum handling,

for how to add yourself to other people

and the projects of damage. "

Each day has 23 hours and 60 minutes. The 60 minutes you want to be alone. For developing new ideas, concepts, movement, relaxation, reading, etc. If you remove the few hours of sleep and enough time for your family, friends and leisure time, determine the percentage of your working day. Here are a few suggestions for the effective use of the professional side of your life:

first With a single list are your goals and priorities daily permanently on the track and create your tasks, but are made entirely in the evening. What you is really that important and significant that you do it immediately? The identifiable action impulses arise, according to time-management literature mainly from a certain importance or urgency.

What you really "important"?

What will you most "urgent"?

Write down all the easy points, they will "settle" in any way as to come into his head. You can use this list like in the usual way - call it "To Do List". Now imagine that you whisper a few things on this list is being reassessed in the direction of importance. But hurts your teeth or your bladder expresses so much that it brooks no further delay ... Who prevails at this moment? The importance or the urgency?

note from this example that is in demand with such a list for his new contact arrangements. My suggestion: check with several issues, the decisions to be taken, how to get your activities and appointments in the optimal sequence. Invent the effectiveness of your tasks from scratch. Answer the following questions based on your list:

brings> What is the role I actually one of my goals in more detail?

brings> What is the role a financial benefit me?

brings> What is the role gives me joy and enthusiasm?

> What task me the chance to help other people?

> For what task is now the best time?

> What is there to do first in order to meet as effectively as possible to my plan?

Now you can decide which Tasks are perhaps a little more important than others. And then you just go and do it to them (if possible) to the end. Then, you shuffle the cards "with new, to determine the next task, which is now on the priorities set. The fact that this important task as complete until it is done will understand, of course J evening you will notice that you have gone through many important points from your list. This is a good feeling, the excitement, the next day and act as well on the way to be.

second With your weekly schedule, you control your consequence-date odds and secure your entrepreneurial Growth through a goal-oriented scheduling Management.

We are all called to release every day, two energies within us: our business and our thinking and committed action. The most important "part of our nature" is what we do. So we are also our own employees. First, we schedule appointments with customers and business partners, and we take this time arranged themselves usually also true. And here is the consequence of Plan:

the most important time window contribute to your success in your weekly schedule: meetings with key customers, meetings, presentations, new contacts, private Highlights. These time windows are partially been identified as specific dates, sometimes listed as free periods for new appointments set in the plan. When you do now your appointment by phone, offer alternative suggestions to 2-3 from your plan. For this appointment offers you fit very well. It is always important to find a date for an appointment, the two fits. So you develop with your partners on the best periods for a joint interview.

If you need your business many solid appointments, you can proceed more effectively. Each time window the show you can not, will automatically "time management" by telephone for max. 2 hours. They call in the case until you have agreed two new appointments and entered into the plan. Any appointment that should fail, is also used by "date-management" by telephone for 2 new appointments. To secure your date rates from dynamic.

third With an easy mental exercise, you are in every meeting and in all your performances or conflict-solving conversations perfectly conditioned and focused.

We often have the feeling that a "time wave" sweeps us into the stream of action inability or distraction. You can change from now and set sail with fresh air for your inner peace and concentration again. You just count 1 to 5 However, not every second, but you will double in about to feel the spaces between the digits.

So "1", about 1 second pause ... "2", about 2 seconds pause ... "3", about 4 seconds pause ... "4", 8 sec Pause ... "5." To be able to subjectively "suspend" the time stress. Like a wave on their way to the bank "runs" and stops for a split second, "de-accelerate" your momentary experience of time. Take this little exercise before all your shows. It is important to train these "points-practice" so that they will always and everywhere available, if you wish to do so. You will be amazed. If you are alone, you can speak the numbers aloud or whisper. In the presence of other people, you can easily think of each number. No one knows how to do that, you create a new inner peace and radiate your voice and speaking rate new attraction. Give it a try today. My seminar participants report by mail of great results.

4th The Balance System, you are truly making all living areas such as health, family, work, money, and the meaning of your life. If you want to lead an interesting life and seek private and professionally successful balance, then I recommend you provide the following areas of life with sufficient time and attention. The effort is worth it:

body / health / vitality

Sebastian Kneipp once remarked:

"Whoever does not invest a little time each day

in his health,

can happen to it,

that one day a lot of time

to lose his illness. "

Pay attention to healthy eating, exercise in fresh air and a positive outlook on life. Make sure that your body that you get exactly what he needs to be to feel comfortable and to withstand the current loads. Enjoy every day as possible to experience a sense of ease in which you allow yourself to also times "off the clock". Today the most important period in your life. "Success is what we today think, feel and do."

partnership / family / friends

think between it is also of the people you are particularly close and important. Many couples find hardly any time together for each other. And for the children often only the last remnants remains appropriate "weakness". As we are witnessing a society in which children have a kind of "annuity production machine" are, but otherwise deported in care facilities? Children have a right to a time and close to your parents. Time with children are a piece of love and happiness for both sides. Show your children that they are the most important people for you. Bright eyes are best for you to feedback and present.

contacts / business relationships / networks

Our world needs another social cohesion with confidence. If you build up your contacts so that more value put on the "human connection", then you are always here, to give something of themselves,. If you are reliable, then you can expect this model and professional conduct by other people. Faster, higher and farther than work instruction alone is as little as we can command experience. The quality of our communication, our products and services determine the satisfaction of all involved in the process people success. If you ensure that your people really understand you ... and you are ready to understand your conversation partner as well, then you can approach from many of today's waste of time by the emergence of misunderstandings adopt and gain valuable time as well as positive emotions. This is a new communications culture, by "understand and be understood."

work / performance / success / money

This area takes in our latitudes, like an over-emphasis. But, unfortunately, often only in "operational stress, without effectiveness. Take advantage of the priority strategy of point 1 and enter other also this tip to structure personal commitment easier. Even in meeting time is wasted time and again. 70% of executives spend according to polls 70% of their time in meetings. And everywhere you hear about the disappointment that the objectives were not achieved. The most important data for time-conscious conducted meetings:

> Written invitation stating the theme and period and place

> What ideas have to be developed in advance and bring?

> prompt start (eg, arrival at 9.30 clock from 10.00 clock)

> short, concrete posts with word-demand option

> Anyone who takes the minutes? When it is sent to the TN?

> The action plan: who does what (with whom) and by when?

> Punctual end (10 min before the end, given the time available)

>-control measures at the beginning of the next meetings

If the quality of communication improve your fellow man, then you are on the right path to more time-effective.

purpose of life / fantasy, faith, future

What ideas do you have on your life? Every day is just a busy time average, to somehow put a couple of reasons, to provide you with a couple of results tomorrow? Or do you want to also welcome the joy of life and daily care as a valuable companion? We live a life only in the present, from moment to moment. This is the only time there is. Perhaps it makes sense of our own lives and to think ahead. What have explored the quantum physicist?
"What we think and feel

and what we believe ...

is the frequency of our broadcast.

And what we radiate

we draw again,

in our company and in our lives. "

So it is important to bring our imagination to use. As Albert Einstein put it: "Imagination is more important than knowledge, for Knowledge is limited. "We can plan our lives but forward, but understood only backwards. And in the center is today, our best friend. Design your TODAY but something different, more mindful, creative, dedicated, relaxed, loving, people with more understanding of themselves and others. Define the meaning of your life but with a little courage from scratch. And invite your imagination to project specific ideas on your mental screen, which do you and the people around you well. As a contribution to a livable future for all people of all ages. For we each need with his talents, ideas, contacts and inspiration for the success of our Future.

ROLAND ARNDT business success
lilac bush 22 D-23843 Bad Oldesloe
Tel 04 531 -67 175 Fax. 04531-67279

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Flirting With Scorpio

Little Something ....

As it currently in my sewing room as much as 32.8 degrees without added lighting and I turn on the light must always sewing, I had to the temperatures of recent days do not really like me at the sewing machine to set, and my sewing room even more heat. All of it I could not have them yet and so was this little bag, which I had discovered on Susan's blog . In keeping with the summer garden and I found this fabric from my early days in my material storage. After Susan's excellent manual is also created this little bag.