Friday, February 11, 2011

How To Cut Anrkale Sit

Once again a card

have for the birthday of a dear friend, I
only on the fast, made this little card

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Softening New Hankies

It precedes ............ The 5th

So slowly you can see already that it
Cut Only and turning, this is a very laborious
thing, but now we are on the sewing
and I must say I'm impressed!

No Mermaid Costumes!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Best Boxing Training Books

Season has begun

the monent I can not show you as much tinkered
, which every free minute on it goes for
proximity, the Carnival is not far
and like every year we are not finished with our costumes!
Although we say every year, next year we start earlier,
but when it comes time, so it is already January!

But so slowly we move forward, it will take up his time to stop it all out and cut
But I must say that the preparations are always very nice
we meet almost daily, but with a small child it's not all sooooooooo
quickly, especially not if it means they must help us!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Matchbox Toy Car Garage

Henrietta Whiskers - Block 1

not always find the free time for his favorite hobby, you would like. So it was pretty quiet the last few weeks on this blog. However, the few free time I used to start at this free BOM by Bunny Hill Designs - Henrietta Whiskers, "a very sweet squirrel that will accompany me the next few months. The suitable materials I found in my "autumn material bearing" - there are quite my color. After a long time I tried again in the art of applying.
The first block is ready - here the result.

Henrietta Whiskers - Block 1 is

worth the Gallery of Henrietta whiskers. Well worth a visit!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Can A Stomach Flu Affect Your Platelet Counts?


I could ever handle the
Valentine Kit by Steckenpferdchen

Here is a layout:

All materials are included in the kit, and much, much more!