Friday, July 3, 2009

Beautiful Agony Vid 2010

and Louie

On my annual visit to the "most beautiful sand bank in the world," the Frisian island of Juist , I learned yesterday the two swan chicks Trick and Track know. A very animal loving friends who lives on the island, found the other day three measly little Schwänchen all alone on the Hammersee. It sank immediately and gave a weighing that they had all three, under the weight of 200 grams Schlüpfgewicht .... the smallest tick, it has unfortunately failed, he was too weak.

These two rascals bring in the photo but in the meantime by the devoted care of her new mother, weighing over two pounds on the scale and the foster mother is hoping to bring the two gray feather balls. The smaller one makes a little worried, his legs bend him permanently away since a few days and yesterday he had therefore to take a boat trip along with a sibling next to vet Norderney . There were a good dose of vitamins and minerals. And again at home , they have a bath in the same pink rubber pool, course under the watchful eyes of the human family and their dog because the kids need to be protected from the greedy seagulls.

I press the two fins all that they do it!
who has useful tips to feed up of such small swans, but please register via comment!


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